Search Results

  • New Haven Children & Youth: 1998

    In this report, Connecticut Voices for Children presents the state of New Haven youth in 1998 in the context of the state and the nation. The report serves as a baseline to direct attention to areas in need of further improvement.

    Sep. 30, 1998


  • People’s History: The Story of Hartford Areas Rally Together

    People's History: The Story of Hartford Areas Rally Together (Hartford, CT: HART, 1995). Uploaded by permission of the lead author, David Radcliffe. Link to Internet Archive.

    Oct. 26, 1995

    Civic Vitality

  • DataHaven New Haven Maps 1995

    Click the link below to access the full report page.

    Jan. 1, 1995

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • New Haven Maps 1995

    DataHaven's first publication, in 1995, explored a variety of issues in New Haven and its surrounding region.  The full report is very large, but an excerpt of it can be downloaded here.  Email DataHaven for the complete file.

    Jan. 1, 1995

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety
