• Science Park Expansion for Higher One… Read More

  • Executive Summary: Recent reports released over the past few months focus on the educational system in Connecticut, highlighting challenges facing the state with the largest achievement gap in the nation between low-income students and the rest of their peers. In this report, we detail income disparities and poverty concentrations, which disproportionately impact minority students, within the Connecticut region. The reports shed light on the current situation and offer concrete suggestions to close the achievement gap, such as a renewed focus on regional equity.… Read More

  • For the first time, a new, interactive map [no longer active] from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation gives policy-makers and advocates a nationwide picture of continuing state efforts on key tobacco control policies. The interactive map is a wealth of information on policies related to tobacco control, cigarette taxes and prevention spending, and also features key data points about mortality, consumer behavior and public health.… Read More

  • New USDA Atlas Compares Food Environments of U.S. Counties

    by Mark Abraham    February 26, 2010

    Your Food Environment Atlas is an online mapping tool that assembles statistics on food environment indicators and provides a spatial overview of a community's ability to access healthy food and its success in doing so. The atlas was developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service, with support from federal agencies, academia, and the private sector.… Read More

  • A press conference to kick off this project is scheduled for Friday, October 2, 2009, at 11 a.m. in City Hall. (New Haven, CT) September 24, 2009.  Residents of six New Haven neighborhoods will be surveyed this fall about their current health and health habits as part of a long-term project that seeks to reverse growing rates of chronic disease in the city.… Read More
