Note: 2020 Census data are also analyzed and graphed within the DataHaven Town Equity Reports, which are available for all 169 towns in the state. DataHaven has also published a neighborhood-level analysis of 2020 Census data.
The document linked below is an Excel file created by DataHaven with an overview of 2020 Census data for the state, counties, and Connecticut towns (from the U.S. Census Bureau 2020 Census Redistricting File released August 12, 2021) and DataHaven's calculations of changes in population within each group since the 2010 Census.
This is designed to be a simplified and user-friendly file for public use, with population data by age and combined race/ethnicity, not a dataset of all available indicators. As with most Connecticut data, the 169 Connecticut towns are defined geographically by the Census Bureau as county subdivisions.
Please contact us with questions or requests for additional indicators, such as housing units. DataHaven has also processed information for all other available geographies such as census tracts and legislative districts.
DataHaven will be releasing additional analysis here and through its media partners throughout the state. Please follow our social media pages for information.
Note/Disclaimer: This file was compiled using R statistical software scripts to ensure accuracy and reproducibility, and posted as soon as data were released by the Census Bureau. As with any secondary data resources, DataHaven can not guarantee complete accuracy. We encourage users to double-check results or contact us to confirm their analysis.
If you are using information from this file, please cite the source as "DataHaven analysis of 2020 Census and 2010 Census Redistricting File, published August 12, 2021."