• [Excerpt of article by Alex Putterman, which appeared on the front page of the Hartford Courant on July 3, 2021] A new survey of Connecticut residents shows that the majority of people who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 are open to vaccination, but that fears linger over side effects.… Read More

  • The United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut will be building a framework for health data collection through a $100,000 grant that was awarded by Data Across Sectors for Health. Led by the Illinois Public Health Institute and Michigan Public Health Institute, the Data Across Sectors for Health (DASH) grant will help United Way with its health data collection and measurement to improve the overall health and wellbeing among state residents.… Read More

  • What We Talk About When We Talk About Affordable Housing

    WNPR Public Radio    March 26, 2021

    [Excerpt from article by Ali Oshinskie, CT Public Radio] Affordable housing is the subject of a number of bills in Connecticut right now. But what do we really mean when we talk about "affordable housing"? That conversation could start with a question much like the one asked by State Senator Dan Champagne at a virtual Planning and Development public hearing last week.… Read More

  • Committee Debates Housing As A Human Right Bill

    NBC Connecticut    March 5, 2021

    [Excerpt] "The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our perception of housing as a basic need. The legislature’s housing committee debated legislation Thursday to make sure people don’t get evicted and are able to access housing. “Many believe that housing should be a human right and we know at least the ability to have housing is one of the strongest predictors of people's quality of life,” Mark Abraham said.… Read More

  • Statewide action needed to ensure vaccine equity

    CT Mirror Viewpoints    February 23, 2021

    [Op-ed by Mark Abraham and Yusuf Ransome] President Biden’s COVID-19 vaccination plan aims to provide 100 million shots during his first 100 days in office. To achieve this plan of reaching what researchers call herd immunity —when a large part of the population has become immune to a virus or disease— requires people in the most vulnerable communities to have unprecedented access to immunizations.… Read More

  • [Excerpt from Hartford Courant article by Michael Hamad, February 5, 2021] Connecticut is failing to provide affordable housing for essential workers, and new public investment is needed, according to a report prepared for two state agencies. And without better regional planning, the prioritization of housing based on need and “proactive” investment, Connecticut’s housing problems will surely get worse, the study’s authors predict.… Read More
