Editorial: Need for jobless benefits has not ended
New Haven Register June 19, 2020
[Excerpt from Hearst Connecticut Media Editorial Board masthead, June 19, 2020] [....] Federal estimates show the unemployment rate, which skyrocketed at the start of the pandemic, will remain high at least through the end of the year. Thousands of people in Connecticut will remain in need of serious help to make ends meet, and that is not likely to change in the near term.… Read More
Organizers Push to Cancel Rent
New Haven Independent June 6, 2020
[Excerpt from feature article by Thomas Breen, New Haven Independent, June 5, 2020] Local and statewide tenant organizers are turning to a simple, if profound, solution for staving off a pending eviction, foreclosure, and homelessness crisis. Their rallying cry? “Cancel the rent.” Organizers with the Cancel Rent CT movement appeared Thursday on\ WNHH Radio’s “Pandemic Organizing” to talk about the urgent need they see for not just deferring, but outright forgiving renters’ debts for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis.… Read More
Food Safety Nets Are Straining Under Economic Meltdown
Connecticut Health Investigative Team May 17, 2020
[Excerpt from feature article by Peggy McCarthy, C-HIT] Beyond the gleaming office towers overlooking I-95 in Stamford and the pleasure boats that frequent the city’s marinas, thousands of city residents are struggling with hunger, a situation worsened by the pandemic.… Read More
A few examples of coverage from our April 23, 2020 press release, DataHaven estimates that social distancing to counter the spread of COVID-19 has already saved 10,000 lives in Connecticut: WFSB News Channel 3 Evening News, "Study says 10,000 lives saved so far in CT because of social distancing, by Shawnte Passmore and Carolina Cruz… Read More
CT's opportunity gaps: Two districts, two very different plans for students while school is out indefinitely
Connecticut Mirror March 18, 2020
[Excerpt of feature article by Jacqueline Rabe Thomas, Connecticut Mirror, March 19, 2020] "Every elementary school student in Glastonbury was sent home with an iPad on the day Connecticut’s governor declared a “public health emergency” to blunt the spread of the coronavirus. On it were all the learning platforms students would need to resume learning online. Students without internet access at home were provided a connection by the district. [....]… Read More
For the Count
Daily Nutmeg March 12, 2020
[Excerpt from feature article by Kathy Leonard Czepiel, March 13, 2020] "When the nation’s first census was taken in 1790, New Haven was the 17th-most populous city in America, with 4,487 inhabitants. [....]… Read More