• [Excerpt] According to the report, New Haven has been adding high-paying jobs since 2000 that go primarily to college graduates, and only 4 percent of 47,000 jobs paying more than $20 per hour are held by residents of the city’s low-income neighborhoods. Most of the living-wage jobs in New Haven — 81 percent — are held by out-of-towners.   SCRCOG Executive Director Carl Amento called the problem “this mismatch between where the jobs are and where the people are.” … Read More

  • [Excerpt] This will not come as big news to anyone who depends on the bus — or two or three buses — to get to work, but a new area study has found that the more spread out and off-the-bus-line jobs are, the harder it is for people who ride the bus to get jobs.… Read More

  • What the Doctor Ordered: Urban Farming

    New York Times    November 6, 2014

    [Excerpt] At a dead-end street in a blighted section of this city, crumbling roofs of old factories, smokestacks and the Interstate 95 overpass loom overhead, casting long shadows on an October afternoon. Along one end of a field, children play soccer; on the other, men stand around motorcycles, sipping from beer cans.… Read More

  • [Excerpt] About 15 members of the Board of Alders stuck around after Monday night’s meeting to hear the results of a city health data report, a presentation that featured a ward-by-ward breakdown of the biggest health risks facing residents.… Read More

  • Rally Seeks Local Hiring For Living-Wage Jobs

    New Haven Independent    September 10, 2014

    [Excerpt] More than 400 people gathered at a rally to hear new data about how New Haveners are missing out on New Haven’s living-wage jobs—and to call for a change.… Read More

  • Transportation drives job inequality

    Yale Daily News    September 2, 2014

    [Excerpt] In the face of a persistently high unemployment rate in the Elm City, the nonprofit organization DataHaven recently released research raising questions about the relationship between public transportation and employment opportunities.… Read More
