• [Excerpt from front-page feature by Alex Putterman, February 13, 2022] The COVID-19 pandemic has been particularly difficult for Connecticut residents in the state’s poorest cities, a large statewide survey has found. While 19% of Connecticut adults say they are worse off financially than they were two years ago, according to the survey, that number was 31% in Hartford, 29% in Bridgeport, 20% in New Haven and 28% in Waterbury.… Read More

  • [Excerpt from news article by Johana Vazquez, February 8, 2022]… Read More

  • [Excerpt from article by Karla Santos, 2/4/2022] MERIDEN — The state’s health insurance exchange recently launched a free program to help individuals become licensed insurance brokers with the goal of reducing the uninsured rate and addressing health disparities. An extensive study revealed significant disparities in health care in the state, according to Tammy Hendricks, director of health equity & outreach for Access Health CT, the state’s insurance marketplace. Her department was created to address the issue. [....]… Read More

  • [Excerpt from article by Kate McEvoy, January 10, 2022] What was it like to be a Medicaid director during the COVID-19 public health emergency? First, there was an all-too-slow dawning realization. Then a huge wave of activity, followed by just enough critical distance for some observations. [....] Around late August 2020, lower rates of infection buoyed hope. The brief reprieve gave us a bit of distance to think and evaluate. While gaining perspective remains a work in progress, here are a few observations:… Read More

  • City Starts To Think About Broadband

    New Haven Independent    January 14, 2022

    [Excerpt of news article by Thomas Breen, 1/14/2022] Should the city partner with an existing internet service provider to boost broadband? Or set up its own network and side-step telecom monopolies?  Those questions are at the center of a revived city effort to at least think about how to bring faster and more reliable internet to all of New Haven. City economic development officials and city-hired consultants discussed that quest Thursday evening during an hourlong ​“community meeting” about high-speed internet access in New Haven. … Read More

  • New Partnership Will Help State Fight Health Inequities

    NBC Connecticut    December 15, 2021

    [Excerpt from NBC Connecticut news story by Julia Skrobak, December 15, 2021] The state's Office of Health Strategy has announced a new partnership to help eliminate health inequities. This is a huge collaboration between the state, local organizations and even federal groups. Connecticut was one of 10 states added to an initiative called "Strategie to Repair Equity and Transform Community Health," known as STRETCH. The Office of Health Strategies says it's an initiative that gives them a leg up on work they've already been doing for years.… Read More
