• [Excerpt] According to the report, New Haven has been adding high-paying jobs since 2000 that go primarily to college graduates, and only 4 percent of 47,000 jobs paying more than $20 per hour are held by residents of the city’s low-income neighborhoods. Most of the living-wage jobs in New Haven — 81 percent — are held by out-of-towners.   SCRCOG Executive Director Carl Amento called the problem “this mismatch between where the jobs are and where the people are.” … Read More

  • Transportation drives job inequality

    Yale Daily News    September 2, 2014

    [Excerpt] In the face of a persistently high unemployment rate in the Elm City, the nonprofit organization DataHaven recently released research raising questions about the relationship between public transportation and employment opportunities.… Read More

  • [Excerpt] Another interesting point to make a note of is that the number of positions accessible by bicycle is greater than the number of positions accessible by public transportation. This indicates that it is also worthwhile to think about improving the current condition of bike routes and bike rack-equipped transit systems, so that both biking and public transit (or the two combined, as bikes can reduce workers’ time getting to or from bus stops) are more on par with private automobiles.… Read More

  • [Excerpt] New immigrants are landing in suburbs that have undergone a seismic economic shift from enclaves of relative prosperity to hubs of growing poverty. Since 2000, poverty in the suburban communities of East Haven, West Haven and Hamden exploded, growing by 83 percent, according to DataHaven, a New Haven-based demographics analysis firm.… Read More

  • Note: Please visit our site for more information on the survey, including downloadable reports and results.… Read More

  • DataHaven Celebrates 20 Years of Service to Greater New Haven; Community Wellbeing Survey Seeks to Measure Local Quality of Life(New Haven, CT) August 28, 2012: Beginning in September and continuing through October, more than 1,300 adults living throughout Greater New Haven will be interviewed by phone about wellbeing within their community.… Read More
