Data Resources

  • Hartford-West Hartford Neighborhood Profiles

    Our updated Hartford-West Hartford neighborhood data visualization is now posted within our Connecticut City Neighborhood Profiles. The older version may be found below:

    Jan. 12, 2018

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Housing

  • Urban Connecticut's structural strain

    BY ARI ANISFELD Urban centers are the engines of Connecticut's economy. They are job-centers, entertainment-providers, and home to 18 percent of Connecticut's population. But they also face the largest gaps when it comes to paying the bill. In 2015, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s New England Public Policy Center analyzed the fiscal affairs of every Connecticut town and found wide disparities. 

    Apr. 15, 2016

    Economy, Education, Housing

  • Connecticut Data Map: Racially and Economically Segregated Areas, 2012

    [Note: This map is no longer active. Please view our Community Index Reports and Data Dashboard for more recent maps] Connecticut not only has the highest per capita income in the nation and ties New York in income disparity, its pockets of wealth and poverty are more highly concentrated than in many other large metropolitan areas.

    Aug. 26, 2015

    Demographics, Economy
