Data Resources

  • How Transportation Problems Keep People Out of the Workforce in Greater New Haven

    Click on the link below to view the main report page.

    Nov. 6, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Economy

  • Bridgeport Prospers 2015 Baseline Report

    Bridgeport Prospers' first baseline community vision report will guide and inform efforts to improve outcomes for all Bridgeport children and families from cradle to career.

    Oct. 16, 2015


  • Diversity on the Force: Where police don't mirror communities

    This report responds to recent nation-wide tension between police departments and their communities by analyzing the diversity of the police force. It finds that minorities are still underrepresented in law-enforcement.

    Sep. 30, 2015

    Public Safety

  • Table: 2010 Census New Haven Neighborhood Profiles

    This is a PDF table of New Haven neighborhood profiles generated via 2010 Census data, identifying key demographic and economic indicators at the neighborhood level. Please view our main New Haven neighborhood profiles page for additional information.

    Sep. 2, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy

  • 2015 Metro Hartford Progress Points Access to Opportunity

    Metro Hartford Progress Points aims to identify and better understand the critical education, income, and opportunity gaps that exist in the region. The report focuses on three main points (better schools, better jobs, and stronger neighborhoods) and identifies challenges facing the city, inner suburbs, and outer suburbs. This is followed by an analysis of how a improving these points can increase regional prosperity, and the report highlights ways in which the community is already moving in that direction.

    Jul. 31, 2015

    Economy, Education, Housing
