Data Resources

  • NHPS Connecticut Mastery Test Results (2012)

    This series of charts presents the results of the Connecticut Master Test among students at New Haven Public Schools from 2009-2012. The results are presented within cohorts, each of which represents one school.

    Dec. 31, 2012


  • DataHaven Annual Report 2012

    This report reflects not only the ways in which DataHaven has changed over its first 20 years, but also how the New Haven community has changed.

    Dec. 31, 2012

    All DataHaven Programs

  • 2012 Report: Community Health Needs Assessment

    Lawrence + Memorial Hospital executed a summary of trends and comparisons highlighted in their primary service area by the various regional and county assessments that have been conducted over the last five years. The assessment drew from secondary data, the United Way's Community Needs Assessments, hospital discharge data, and interviews.

    Dec. 31, 2012


  • 2012 Litchfield County Community Health Needs Assessment

    The 2012 Litchfield County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) represents the collaborative efforts of the Litchfield County Community Transformation Grant (CTG) Coalition to begin to assess and prioritize health needs in our community and to collectively develop strategies and mobilize resources to improve the health of county residents.

    Dec. 31, 2012


  • 2012 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey Preliminary Results for Greater New Haven

    A crosstab of data resulting from the 2012 Community Wellbeing Survey conducted by DataHaven.Click on the "Document" link below to access the document.

    Dec. 17, 2012

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey

  • Health Impact Assessment of Phase I of the Downtown Crossing Project: Promoting Pedestrian and Bicyclist Physical Activity and Safety

    The Downtown Crossing Project aims to redevelop the the area around Route 34 East to redevlop the highway into city streets. This report analyzes the health impact of the project by assessing the community need for more walkable and bikeable streets.

    Apr. 30, 2012

    All DataHaven Programs, Health
