Data Resources

  • Improving Delivery of Pubic Services

    This report focuses on finding longer-term solutions to the effective and efficient delivery of public services in Connecticut. Connecticut’s local expenditures (now at $12 billion per year) have been growing faster than the median income in Connecticut, which makes it especially important to take alcloser look at how municipal and education services are delivered on a local level. This is part 4 of a six-part series, "Framework for Connecticut's Fiscal Future."

    Feb. 1, 2012

    Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • New Haven Board of Aldermen Agenda 2012-13

    The Board of Aldermen released their Vision Statement and Legislative Policy and Governance Agenda, which covered issues such as jobs, youth, fiscal responsibility, public safety, crime, and violence.

    Jan. 1, 2012

    Civic Vitality

  • Creating a Healthy and Safe City: The Impact of Violence in New Haven

    The New Haven Public Health Department and the Health Equity Alliance are addressing community violence as a public health matter. This report, which includes recommendations based on data, was issued as part of Health Matters! — a city initative to use data to address local health issues.

    Dec. 31, 2011

    All DataHaven Programs, Health

  • New Haven Health Department 2011 Annual Report

    The NHHD's annual report outlines the various programs and services offered by the department, as well as presenting statistics about health challenges in the city.

    Dec. 31, 2011


  • NHPS Connecticut Mastery Test Results (2011)

    This series of charts presents the results of the Connecticut Master Test among students at New Haven Public Schools. The results are presented within cohorts, each of which represents one school.

    Dec. 31, 2011


  • Equity in Education: A Transformational Approach

    This reports looks at the racial and cultural factors in Connecticut's achievement gaps. It presents data on racial disparities in educational outcomes, discusses the intersectionality of race and education, and proposes potential solutions.

    Dec. 31, 2011

