Search Results

  • Census OnTheMap

    OnTheMap, at, is based on data from the Census Bureau and state partners in the LED partnership. The LED partnership develops information about local labor market conditions at low cost, with no added respondent burden, and with the same confidentiality protections afforded census and survey data.

    Nov. 10, 2010


  • Workforce Alliance Data Quarterly Regional Economic Update

    This presentation presents trends in the Connecticut workforce in the context of the United States, with a specific focus on New Haven.

    Oct. 31, 2010


  • Parking in New Haven: Policy & Economic Development Framework

    This study of parking in downtown New Haven looks at availability, demand, and utilization of current parking options and forecasts future needs.

    Oct. 28, 2010


  • New Haven Parking Working Group Notes

    At this meeting of the Parking Work Group, Jim Travers from the city's Department of Transportation, Traffic, and Parking spoke. The notes from the meeting include statistics on transportation infrastructure, as well as follow-up questions.

    Oct. 28, 2010


  • Designing a High-Speed Rail Service

    This report details how a high-speed rail system could be best implemented in the Northeast.

    Jun. 30, 2010


  • City of New Haven Complete Streets Design Manual

    This manual provides technical guidance on the building, rebuilding, repair, and rehabilitation of city streets, guided by a set of principles for an evolving understanding of the importance of streets to the social and economic fabric of a community. Additionally, this manual is intended to provide the city of New Haven the tools and information needed to engage in constructive converstaions about solving local traffic problems with City staff.

    Mar. 31, 2010

