Search Results

  • Count Her In: A Status Report on Women & Girls in Fairfield County, Connecticut

    Written and produced by Josephine Ankrah, Camille Seaberry, and Mark Abraham of DataHaven, Count Her In: A Status Report on Women & Girls in Fairfield County, Connecticut is a 24-page report that uses quantitative data from federal and state government sources as well as qualitative data derived from stakeholders to assess how women and girls in the county are faring.

    Dec. 5, 2019

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • No Bail, No Justice: How Politics and Poverty Trap People in Prisons

    [Excerpt from November 27, 2019 Hartford Guardian article by Christian Spencer]

    Nov. 27, 2019

    Economy, Public Safety

  • Fed leaders join Fed chair Powell in Conn. to shine light on community development effort

    [Excerpt from Federal Reserve Bank of Boston] Darius Ritchens sat at a table in the gymnasium at an East Hartford elementary school on Monday and talked about struggling to make ends meet. The single father of two once worked in financial and insurance services, he told the local officials and Federal Reserve leaders seated near him. But hard times came, and he could barely afford to live. Above all, he said, he’d lost his self-confidence.

    Nov. 26, 2019


  • Life Expectancy Gap Divides City, Suburbs

    [Excerpt from New Haven Independent feature by Thomas Breen, 11/12/2019] The average life expectancy for Newhallville residents is 71 years — a full 15 years less than the average life expectancy for residents of the outer-ring suburb of Orange, according to the findings of a broad new report at community life.

    Nov. 14, 2019

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • Newsletter: DataHaven officially releases 2019 Community Index reports

    50 figures, 35 tables, 1 report—learn about the key issues affecting your region.

    Nov. 12, 2019

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • DataHaven director sheds light on surveying practices

    [Excerpt of feature by Brooke Alviar, Yale Daily News, 11/8/2019. Photo credit: Brooke Alviar] DataHaven Executive Director Mark Abraham believes in the power of numbers, and in a talk on Wednesday afternoon, he informed the broader Yale New Haven public on how data collection can improve New Haven policymaking.

    Nov. 8, 2019

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety
