Search Results

  • New Haven Early Childhood Plan

    The New Haven Early Childhood Plan outlines how the community can work together to ensure the success of children.   The plan includes specific strategies around: a) increasing the quality of early care and education and helping low-income families access care; b) providing more family support and family engagement services; and c) broadening access to health services, including physical, dental, and mental health care.  

    Sep. 30, 2009


  • Research Review: School-based Health Interventions and Academic Achievement

    This report summarizes what the research shows about academic achievement and health, so that administrators, teachers, school staff, and communities can make well-informed decisions about how to prioritize health interventions in their schools.

    Sep. 30, 2009


  • Missing Out: Suspending Students from Connecticut Schools

    This is the first of two reports examining out-of-school suspension policy and practice in Connecticut. It was issued in response to a 2007 law passed in Connecticut requiring that suspensions be served in school. The law was passed, but implementation was delayed until 2009.

    Aug. 31, 2008


  • A Challenge to the Health of Our Young People: A Primer on Federal, State and Local Policies that Impact School Food

    The New Haven Food Policy Council put together this policy primer to present information about the importance of healthy school meals. The report offers policy suggestions at the federal, state, and local levels.

    May. 22, 2008

    Education, Health

  • Hartford Blueprint for Young Children: Delivering the Promise of Success

    The City of Hartford created a five-year plan to create a cohesive, coordinated, family-centered system that uses the programs in the city, along with focused public policymaking and financial investment, to improve the lives of young children, age birth to eight. 

    May. 31, 2005


  • Buried Treasure: Developing a Management Guide From Mountains of School Data

    This report discusses what is required to develop a school district "management guide," and offers a sample guide based on evidence-based indicators. Such indicators include achievement, elimination of the achievement gap, student attraction, student engagement, student retention, teacher attraction/retention, and funding equity.

    Jan. 31, 2005

