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  • Welcome to the new DataHaven website

    Please view this blog post explaining our new website.

    Nov. 10, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs

  • Welcome to the new DataHaven website

    You have arrived at DataHaven, where we provide data for community action. We collect, interpret, and share public data to empower communities to make effective, informed decisions. We provide a public service by working with a wide variety of partners to develop innovative reports, tools, and technical assistance programs that make this information more useful.

    Nov. 10, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs

  • Valley Now: 2015 Snapshot

    Click on the link below to view the full report page.

    Nov. 6, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • How Transportation Problems Keep People Out of the Workforce in Greater New Haven

    Click on the link below to view the main report page.

    Nov. 6, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Economy

  • NHCity-Neighborhood-Profiles-2013

    This is a raw dataset with neighborhood profile data from 2010 for New Haven. For our main New Haven Neighborhood Profiles page, click here. For the New Haven Neighborhood 2010 map, click here.  

    Sep. 4, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy

  • Table: 2010 Census New Haven Neighborhood Profiles

    This is a PDF table of New Haven neighborhood profiles generated via 2010 Census data, identifying key demographic and economic indicators at the neighborhood level. Please view our main New Haven neighborhood profiles page for additional information.

    Sep. 2, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy
