Search Results

  • 2020 Census Redistricting Data and Change Since 2010 Census

    Note: 2020 Census data are also analyzed and graphed within the DataHaven Town Equity Reports, which are available for all 169 towns in the state. DataHaven has also published a neighborhood-level analysis of 2020 Census data.

    Aug. 12, 2021

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics

  • Deep Roots Drive Newhallville Stakeholders To Advance Neighborhood Equality

    [Excerpt from feature article by Sujata Srinivasan, which was also published on the front page of the New Haven Register and in other local publications] At the corner of Shelton Avenue and Hazel Street in Newhallville sits a green space, the Learning Corridor—a hub for educating young children and connecting families to healthy living. The Farmington Canal Heritage Trail runs through the garden, where children can stop by and browse books from a box and adults can take a spin on a bike.

    Aug. 5, 2021

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • Connecticut Residents Urged to Pick Up the Phone! for Largest-Ever Town-Level Survey on Quality of Life and Recovery from COVID-19: Over 75 Leading Foundations, Hospitals, and Local Agencies Join DataHaven Initiative

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Mark Abraham,, 203.500.7059,  Connecticut Residents Urged to "Pick Up the Phone!" for Largest-Ever Town-Level Survey on Quality of Life and Recovery from COVID-19: Over 75 Leading Foundations, Hospitals, and Local Agencies Join DataHaven Initiative

    Jun. 22, 2021

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • Housing Connecticut's Future: Meeting the State's Affordable and Accessible Housing Needs

    This report was the collective effort of a study team formed from seven different organizations: The Urban Institute, DataHaven, Source Development Hub, Corporation for Supportive Housing, Supportive Housing Works, and Fairfield County's Center for Housing Opportunity. It was authored by Christie Stewart (FCCHO), Peter A. Tatian (Urban), Lydia Lo (Urban), Kelly Davila (DataHaven), and Fay Walker (Urban) and released on February 4, 2021.

    Feb. 4, 2021

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Demographics, Economy, Housing

  • 2019 DataHaven Community Profile Dataset

    This is a CSV (raw data) file with the state, county, and town-level data used in our community profile pages, updated with 2019 5-year ACS data (released by Census Bureau in December 2020). For Connecticut counties and select Connecticut towns, the dataset also contains a small number of estimates from the 2018 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey. Please refer to the survey page for full crosstabs and results. The CSV may be downloaded using the "Document" link below.

    Jan. 31, 2021

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • New resident-driven videos showcase health inequities

    Three resident-driven documentary films focusing on Hartford, New Haven, and the Lower Naugatuck Valley area of Connecticut were produced by Purple States and DataHaven, and released in January 2021. The films reveal stark differences in life expectancy between neighborhoods and highlight issues such as the opioid crisis, access to healthy food, and heart disease.

    Jan. 24, 2021

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing
