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  • Connecticut State Legislative District Profiles

    Connecticut State Legislative District Profiles With support from public and private partners, DataHaven has maintained neighborhood and community profiles and maps for over 20 years. We have updated these with the latest census and other datasets, and with the most current data visualization technology that is responsive to viewing on various devices.

    Apr. 19, 2024

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • New Haven Neighborhood Profile CSV 2022 5Y

    This is a raw dataset with neighborhood profile data developed by DataHaven using the 2022 5-year American Community Survey, CDC PLACES (2023 data release), and USALEEP data calculated by DataHaven for individual New Haven neighborhoods. 

    Mar. 25, 2024

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • Bridgeport Neighborhood Profile CSV 2022 5Y

    This is a raw dataset with neighborhood profile data developed by DataHaven using the 2022 5-year American Community Survey, CDC PLACES (2023 data release), and USALEEP data calculated by DataHaven for individual Bridgeport neighborhoods. 

    Mar. 25, 2024

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • Stamford Neighborhood Profile CSV 2022 5Y

    This is a raw dataset with neighborhood profile data developed by DataHaven using the 2022 5-year American Community Survey, CDC PLACES (2023 data release), and USALEEP data calculated by DataHaven for individual Stamford neighborhoods. 

    Mar. 25, 2024

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • Hartford-West Hartford Neighborhood Profile CSV 2022 5Y

    This is a raw dataset with neighborhood profile data developed by DataHaven using the 2022 5-year American Community Survey, CDC PLACES (2023 data release), and USALEEP data calculated by DataHaven for individual Hartford and West Hartford neighborhoods. 

    Mar. 25, 2024

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • New maps show CT child tax credit statewide impacts

    [News coverage from Edwin J. Viera, 3/25/24] New data show the impacts of Connecticut's proposed child tax credit. Broken down by town, and state House and Senate districts, 268,000 eligible families would receive $306 million in tax credits. Places like Bridgeport, Hartford, and Waterbury have the largest populations of eligible families. Municipalities across the state could see a 38% return on investment for local economies.

    Mar. 25, 2024

    All DataHaven Programs, Economy
