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  • Transportation drives job inequality

    [Excerpt] In the face of a persistently high unemployment rate in the Elm City, the nonprofit organization DataHaven recently released research raising questions about the relationship between public transportation and employment opportunities.

    Sep. 2, 2014


  • Op-Ed: Connecting more people to work in Greater New Haven

    [Excerpt] Another interesting point to make a note of is that the number of positions accessible by bicycle is greater than the number of positions accessible by public transportation. This indicates that it is also worthwhile to think about improving the current condition of bike routes and bike rack-equipped transit systems, so that both biking and public transit (or the two combined, as bikes can reduce workers’ time getting to or from bus stops) are more on par with private automobiles.

    May. 21, 2014


  • In Greater New Haven suburbs, immigrants on front lines of growing poverty

    [Excerpt] New immigrants are landing in suburbs that have undergone a seismic economic shift from enclaves of relative prosperity to hubs of growing poverty. Since 2000, poverty in the suburban communities of East Haven, West Haven and Hamden exploded, growing by 83 percent, according to DataHaven, a New Haven-based demographics analysis firm.

    May. 10, 2014


  • Waterbury Active Transportation and Economic Resurgence 2014 TIGER application

    This document is the successful Waterbury, CT FY 2014 TIGER Capital Project Grant Application, submitted by the City of Waterbury. The project is now underway.

    Apr. 26, 2014

    Civic Vitality, Economy

  • Central Naugatuck Valley Economic Profile: 2013

    This document presents data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics (LODES), a product of the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program. The LODES dataset combines wage records, employer reports, administrative and demographic information, and records from the U.S. Census Bureau. The most recent dataset was available for the year 2011. The LODES dataset offers an unprecedented level of geographic and demographic detail compared to other economic datasets.

    Feb. 16, 2014


  • The Strategic Use of Technology by the State of Connecticut

    The purpose of this report is to provide a framework to implement critical technology that will enhance the state’s overall economic competitiveness through informed decision-making, increased transparency and managed investment. This is part 6 of a six-part series, "Framework for Connecticut's Fiscal Future."

    Dec. 31, 2013

