Search Results

  • Town of Guilford Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment

    An assessment and inventory of Guilford, Connecticut's natural resources, produced by the Natural Resource Inventory Committee, a subcommittee of the Guilford Conservation Commission.The document provides a detailed understanding of what resources exist, where they can be found, and how they relate to one another, allowing land use decision makers to protect the integrity of natural resources while providing for compatible residential and commercial growth. An additional benefit is to enhance residents’ understanding about the environment in which they live.

    Jan. 31, 2005


  • Particulate Matter in New Haven: Local Diesel Sources and Solutions

    Diesel traffic in New Haven is a major contributor to particulate matter pollution. Air pollution is a detriment to health and the aesthetics of the area. The report identifies sources of diesel pollution and recommendations to handle them.

    Oct. 26, 2004


  • United Way of Greater New Haven 2003 Needs Assessment Household Survey

    This survey, commissioned by the United Way of Greater New Haven, was conducted by telephone and sampled residents of the Greater New Haven area. Common concerns that came up were economic stability, tobacco use among youth, and health care.

    Mar. 27, 2003

    Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health

  • Great Neighborhoods Great City: Revitalizing Baltimore through the Healthy Neighborhoods Approach

    Baltimore adopted an urban revitalization approach called Healthy Neighborhoods to improve a number of its communities. The strategy focuses on reinvigorating stagnant real estate markets and building stronger connections among residents. In this document, neighborhood strategist David Boehlke outlines how the Healthy Neighborhoods approach can be best implemented in Baltimore.

    Nov. 30, 2001


  • New Haven Needs of People with Disabilities 1999

    Researchers at the Center for Research & Public Policy conducte a survey among people with disabilities living in New Haven. The survey was conducted by phone and in person at homeless shelters. The results address issues including quality of life, employment, and health care.

    Jul. 31, 1999


  • Comprehensive, Integrated Community-Wide Safe Schools/Healthy Students Plan For New Haven, Connecticut

    This report outlines the New Haven's plans for addressing risk factors among city youth. The report offers a framework centered around the schools, with the support of community partners, for achieving these goals.

    Jun. 1, 1999

    Education, Health
