Promoting Public Access to High-Quality Information and Analysis
Here at DataHaven, we support community action and decision-making by working directly with policymakers, major institutions, foundations, and local residents. Our nationally-recognized work advances the use of high-quality, local-level information across a wide variety of issue areas.
The DataHaven website is our home for frequently-requested public resources, such as published documents, maps, neighborhood and Connecticut town community profiles, and our own reports. We will continue to add resources to this site as our staff time allows, and are open to working with partners to add new features.
Partner with DataHaven
DataHaven is supported by more than 100 community collaboratives, public and non-profit agencies, philanthropic organizations, and institutions that wish to expand the use and understanding of high-quality public information at the local, regional, and state levels. Please view a list of our partners and supporters here.
DataHaven provides comprehensive services relating to the collection and sharing of high-quality data of relevance to the public, such as:
- Report writing and design
- Infographic and chart design
- Data analysis, including but not limited to:
- Descriptive data for small geographic areas and/or small population groups (e.g., by race/ethnicity, combined age/race, disability, household structure, etc.)
- Address geocoding
- Mapping
- Spatial analysis (e.g., quantifying distances)
- Race/ethnicity estimates for record-level data using Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG)
- Statistical analyses, clustering, randomization, Multiple Regression and Poststratification (MRP) estimates, etc.
- Survey design and collection
- Interactive (web-based) data features
- Qualitative research and focus groups / facilitation
- Project coordination, management, and evaluation
- Needs assessments, including community health needs assessments (CHNAs)
- Classroom materials
- Grantwriting assistance
You can access some examples of our work in the reports section of our website.
DataHaven also provides free technical assistance and training to hundreds of area agencies, organizations, researchers, and journalists each year. Please visit our technical assistance page for more information.
The DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey
One of our core programs is the DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey. The program has conducted in-depth interviews with over 52,000 randomly-selected Connecticut and New York residents in 2012, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2024, making it one of the largest well-being surveys in the United States. It focuses on topics that are most meaningful to our communities, including physical and mental health, economic opportunity, housing, transportation, and civic engagement. Most of these results can be compared across diverse regions, neighborhoods, and small population groups as well as to national benchmarks.
Survey results can be accessed publicly on our website or upon request. Detailed analyses of survey data can be time-intensive, and in some cases may require a fee-for-service contract, partnership, and/or data sharing agreement.