This is the summary of the first meeting of the Health Equity Alliance. The notes summarize discussion about various questions related to community health and health equity. It also includes the PowerPoint about social determinants of health equity presented at the meeting.

Authored By



July 07, 2009


New Haven Health Department, Yale CARE

The health trends that are profiled in this document, some positive and some negative, are intended to set the stage for local action aimed at addressing the social determinants of health and at reducing health inequities. They can be used to inform policy, inspire community involvement, and bring more resources to bear on local health improvements.

The Street Outreach Worker Program was an initiative of the New Haven Family Alliance with the goal of reducing youth gun violence. This evaluation, by the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, outlines the program model and provides recommendations for the future.

This report, issued by the New Haven Family Alliance and the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program at Yale School of Medicine, addresses the issue of gun violence through the Photovoice Program. New Haven youths who participated in the program photographed their communities to reflect on their communities' strengths and weaknesses.

This study provides a new way to measure pollution levels. The method combines different air quality models and population exposure models to get a more versatile measurement of pollution, with spatial and temporal dimensions. Analysis of data showed that there is more pollution near industrial centers and roadways.

This iteration of the Workforce Alliance's State of the Workforce report focuses on the role that post-secondary education (particularly community college) plays in training the workforce.
