
  • Update: The 2022 statewide data crosstab is posted here. PRESS RELEASE - SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 … Read More

    Thumbnail of 2022 food insecurity graphic from DataHaven survey of Connecticut
  • [Excerpt from WNPR station news report from Kay Perkins, CT Public Radio, 8/30/2022] A US News report ranks Connecticut as the 7th best state in the country for gender equality, based on factors related to economics, education, health, family planning and care, and representation in politics. Connecticut ranked in the top 10 behind three other New England states: Maine, Rhode Island, and Vermont. So what is the region doing differently to promote equality for women? One local data expert says the answers aren't so simple.… Read More

  • [Excerpt from report summary by CHCS, published August 2022 and authored by Liz Buck and Alissa Beers, Center for Health Care Strategies, and Waldo Mikels-Carrasco, Data Across Sectors for Health]… Read More

  • Recognizing Juneteenth

    by Anonymous    June 13, 2022

    DataHaven will be closed June 20, 2022 in observance of Juneteenth, in commemoration of the delayed liberation of enslaved Black people on June 19, 1865, more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. Equity is central to our mission, and DataHaven is committed to ensuring access to information on the impact of the legacy of racist policies that continue to affect the health and well-being of Black residents in neighborhoods and towns across Connecticut.… Read More

  • [Excerpt from front-page feature article by Alex Putterman, Sunday, June 5, 2022] Officially, Connecticut has recorded 10,972 COVID-19 deaths over the past two-plus years, a devastating total that once would have seemed unimaginable. Staggering as that figure is, however, the pandemic’s true death toll in Connecticut might be even higher.… Read More

  • [Excerpt of article by Nancy Trout, MD, MPH] For more than two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought devastating loss along with political, economic and social disruption to our nation. While we no longer see televised images of snaking lines of cars containing food insecure families lined up for assistance, food and nutrition insecurity rates remain high. As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, we must look for opportunities to change structures and policies to promote food justice. Access to nutritious food must be viewed as a fundamental human right. [....]… Read More
