Connecticut Data Jobs

This is a page for job postings from our partner organizations whose responsibilities include the use of public data resources (i.e., federal, state, and local data) for research, planning, and evaluation in Connecticut or adjacent areas of nearby states. While we attempt to verify accuracy of postings based on readily available information, we are not responsible for the accuracy of content here. Please note that, as with many community-based websites that share links to job opportunities, information posted here is shared in order to help reach area residents and we do not charge for postings. The content is not necessarily contributed by or approved by the partner organizations listed and may not represent the most current information available. Note: DataHaven positions are posted at

If you would like to recommend we add or remove a posting, please contact us. Include a link to the posting (if posted elsewhere) and/or a one sentence description, a closing date and an e-mail contact. If the posting has no closing date, it may be removed after approximately 1-2 months. Material we receive may be edited to take up less space and may be added or removed at any time.

Recent Public Data-Related Job Postings in CT

None added at this time. Please check the listings below.

Selected CT Data Careers Pages

These are a few pages where we have seen jobs posted related to Connecticut data, research, and evaluation. In addition, many national job boards, such as Idealist, regularly post jobs related to public data use that are located in Connecticut.


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