Data Resources

  • New Haven City Transformation Plan 2016

    This is a reduced file size version of the City of New Haven's original 2016 plan document.  Please see our New Haven Promise Zone / New Haven City Transformation Plan page for additional information.

    Jan. 17, 2016

    Civic Vitality, Economy, Education, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey Greater New Haven Town Crosstabs

    This crosstab of results from the 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey contains weighted estimates for the 13-town Greater New Haven region as defined in the Community Index 2013, as well as weighted estimates for individual towns and groups of towns within that region.  It also contains disaggregations by household income level for the Greater New Haven region as a whole.

    Jan. 12, 2016

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey Five Connecticuts Crosstabs

    This crosstab of results from the 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey contains weighted estimates for Connecticut, as well as disaggregations for each of the Five Connecticuts. The Five Connecticuts are a system used to classify individual towns into one of five categories (Wealthy, Suburban, Rural, Urban Periphery, and Urban Core) based on the median household income, population density, and poverty rate of each town as of the most recent Census data.  In many cases, results for any individual town in Connecticut will be similar to other towns within its grouping.

    Jan. 8, 2016

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey Connecticut Statewide Crosstabs

    This crosstab of results from the 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey contains weighted estimates for Connecticut, disaggregated by demographic group. The survey conducted in-depth interviews with 16,219 randomly-selected adults living in every town and city throughout Connecticut.Click on the document link below to download the file.

    Dec. 4, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • Valley Now: 2015 Snapshot

    Click on the link below to view the full report page.

    Nov. 6, 2015

    All DataHaven Programs, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • 2015 Metro Hartford Progress Points Access to Opportunity

    Metro Hartford Progress Points aims to identify and better understand the critical education, income, and opportunity gaps that exist in the region. The report focuses on three main points (better schools, better jobs, and stronger neighborhoods) and identifies challenges facing the city, inner suburbs, and outer suburbs. This is followed by an analysis of how a improving these points can increase regional prosperity, and the report highlights ways in which the community is already moving in that direction.

    Jul. 31, 2015

    Economy, Education, Housing
