This crosstab of results from the 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey contains weighted estimates for Connecticut, as well as disaggregations for each of the Five Connecticuts. The Five Connecticuts are a system used to classify individual towns into one of five categories (Wealthy, Suburban, Rural, Urban Periphery, and Urban Core) based on the median household income, population density, and poverty rate of each town as of the most recent Census data. In many cases, results for any individual town in Connecticut will be similar to other towns within its grouping.
The original classification system for the Five Connecticuts was developed in: Levy, Don, Orlando Rodriguez, and Wayne Villemez. 2004. The Changing Demographics of Connecticut - 1990 to 2000. Part 2: The Five Connecticuts. Storrs, Connecticut: University of Connecticut, The Connecticut State Data Center, Series, no. OP 2004-01. For the 2015 Community Wellbeing Survey, the classification system was updated by Don Levy using 2010 Census data. The full classification is available here.
The survey conducted in-depth interviews with 16,219 randomly-selected adults living in every town and city throughout Connecticut.
DataHaven2015 5CT Crosstabs Pub.pdf