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  • New Haven Parking Working Group Notes

    At this meeting of the Parking Work Group, Jim Travers from the city's Department of Transportation, Traffic, and Parking spoke. The notes from the meeting include statistics on transportation infrastructure, as well as follow-up questions.

    October 28, 2010

  • New Haven Reentry Resource Guide

    This guide, issued by the New Haven Reentry Initiative, outlines the various documents required for the transition out of prison and introduces the services available to these individuals.

    September 30, 2010

  • New Haven City Plan Commission Advisory Report: Church Street South and Robert T. Wolfe Master Plan

    The City of New Haven and the State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development applied for $2 million in grant funding from the federal department of Housing and Urban Development. In New Haven, the funds would be used for the Church Street South and Robert T. Wolfe housing redevelopment.

    September 22, 2010

  • William W. Backus Hospital: 2010 Community Health Needs Assessment

    The purpose of this study, carried out by William W. Backus Hospital in 2010, was to gather current statistics and qualitative feedback on the key issues facing service area residents. There are three componenets: a secondary data profile, a Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, and focus groups. The report explores demographics, general health status, and specific areas of interest.

    September 03, 2010

  • Downtown Crossing Tiger II Grant Application

    This report outlines the plans for the Downtown Crossing construction project to improve the Route 34 highway.

    August 21, 2010

  • Disparity in the Criminal Justice System

    The Commission on Racial and Ethnic Disparity in the Criminal Justice System created this presentation to identify racial trends in incarceration rates and determine causes of the disparities between races.

    August 20, 2010
