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  • The State of Connecticut's Youth 2003

    Connecticut Voices for Children released the 2003 edition of their State of Connecticut's Youth report. The indicators measure both risk and protective factors. These data offer a picture of the state's youth that can be used to promote a “shared sense of accountability," guide funding and programmatic decisions, and set a baseline against which to measure the impact of these decisions in the future.

    August 17, 2003

  • Connecticut: Economic Vitality & Land Use

    This report, from the Connecticut Regional Institute for the 21st Century, offers recommendations on how transportation, economic vitality and land use are linked. It is the product of a year long review of the relationship between development patterns, transportation, and quality of life. It also recommends policy changes for the state's land use planning system. This report is targeted toward business, civic, and government leaders.

    May 31, 2003

  • 2003 Greater New Haven Compass Community Indicators Report

    This report was compiled by identifying indicators in the areas of demographics, basic/special needs, economy, health, education, civic engagement, and the environment. These indicators were used to learn more about the regions.

    March 31, 2003

  • Greater New Haven Community Leaders Survey Report 2003

    Community Compass conducted surveys by interview with community leaders. They measured levels of satisfaction with economic, social, and health care concerns, compared these results with national trends, and identified where there are gaps.

    March 31, 2003

  • Connecticut Metropatterns: A Regional Agenda for Community and Prosperity in Connecticut

    This report determined that the way the state is growing is hurting all communities — from the most impoverished to the most affluent. It recommends regional and statewide reforms to address environmental preservation and problems in regional government.

    March 31, 2003

  • United Way of Greater New Haven 2003 Needs Assessment Household Survey

    This survey, commissioned by the United Way of Greater New Haven, was conducted by telephone and sampled residents of the Greater New Haven area. Common concerns that came up were economic stability, tobacco use among youth, and health care.

    March 27, 2003
