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  • Jobs First: Final Report on Connecticut’s Welfare Reform Initiative (Executive Summary)

    The Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation evaluated Connecticut's Jobs First program. Jobs First is a unique program because it limits the time for which people receive welfare benefits. This report studies the effects of the program on participants and their families and compares them to families that received welfare under prior policies.

    February 28, 2002

  • Connecticut Career Paths: Information and Insights on Employment, Careers and Training 2001-2002

    The Connecticut Career Resource Network assembled this publication to share information about over 150 careers in the state and provide guidance on career options, academic preparation, resume writing, etc.

    January 01, 2002

  • Great Neighborhoods Great City: Revitalizing Baltimore through the Healthy Neighborhoods Approach

    Baltimore adopted an urban revitalization approach called Healthy Neighborhoods to improve a number of its communities. The strategy focuses on reinvigorating stagnant real estate markets and building stronger connections among residents. In this document, neighborhood strategist David Boehlke outlines how the Healthy Neighborhoods approach can be best implemented in Baltimore.

    November 30, 2001

  • Report of the Ad Hoc Violence Reduction Group

    This report was crafted by a group of criminal justice system and community leaders who reviewed crime trends and data from ongoing initiatives to address violence, discuss the underlying issues, and devise specific strategies that can be implemented in the short term to reduce the level of violence. The strategies are based on a public health model of violence reduction, strengthening existing and building new community partnerships to reduce risk factors contributing to violence and to strengthen protective factors contributing to prevention of violence.

    August 31, 2001

  • The Best Beginning: A New Haven Plan for Universal Access to Quality, Affordable Early Childcare and Education

    The Mayor's Task Force on Universal Early Care and Education developed a plan to ensure school readiness through early childhood programs for children ages 3-5. The Task Force issued a set of recommendations as well.

    March 19, 2001

  • Connecticut Strategic Economic Framework

    This report was written at the end of the 20th century, and it reflects on the state of the world at the time — in particular, it addresses the downfall of the Soviet Union. On a smaller scale, the report also analyzes the interconnectedness of the northeastern United States, and then zooms in to focus on New England and the various urban centers contained within. These cities and their surrounding transportation infrastructures are used as a lens with which to study the economic state of the region as a whole.

    December 31, 1999
