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  • New DataHaven board members April 2019

    Newsletter: DataHaven Introduces Four New Board Members

    The DataHaven team is excited to welcome Adhlere Coffy, Gina Federico, Mary Stuart, and Maritza Bond (pictured left to right, below) to the DataHaven Board of Directors. These four new additions bring with them combined decades of service to Connecticut communities. Their areas of expertise range from data analysis to social determinants of health, and their accomplishments include revamping a city health department and leading community outreach programs.

    April 23, 2019

  • DataHaven Marks 25 Years of Public Service: Continues with Community Index, 2020 Census Outreach

    DataHaven was born of the idea that public data should be easily accessed and widely available. The Community Foundation was there at the start with seed funding to launch the organization. Twenty-five years later, more than 100 public and private organizations across Connecticut use DataHaven's research in key areas such as health, education, civic engagement and economic opportunity to improve programs and change lives for the better.

    April 19, 2019

  • Safety in New Haven data graphic 2018

    Data Reveals Hidden Concerns Amid Upturn

    Originally published in the New Haven Independent on 4/12/19: by APARNA NATHAN & MARK ABRAHAM

    April 15, 2019

  • Up Close: Picking up the pieces of Connecticut's economy

    [Excerpt of feature article by Nathalie Bussemaker, Yale Daily News, April 12, 2019] [....] Why are companies leaving Connecticut for high-tax cities? Many think the answer can be traced to the preferences of millennials.

    April 12, 2019

  • Survey: Jobs Make The Difference In Hamden Happiness

    [News article by Brian Slattery] Hamden is a good place to live — as long as you can find a good job. That’s one of the lessons from a newly released 2018 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey.

    April 11, 2019

  • DataHaven releases statewide survey results

    [Excerpt of article from Emiliano Gomez] On March 13, New Haven–based public data analysis firm DataHaven released its 2018 Wellbeing Survey, which focuses on the quality of life in New Haven and Connecticut. The report highlights developments in the public’s perception of accessibility in terms of housing, health care and employment.

    April 08, 2019
