Search Results

  • Branford Community Report 2017

    Please view the main report page for more information.

    Jun. 26, 2017

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • Branford Community Report

    Update, September 2021: For more recent data, please also refer to our Connecticut Town Equity Reports.

    Jun. 26, 2017

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Education, Health, Housing

  • New Report Challenges Business Community Perception of Connecticut Economy

    [Excerpt from reporting by Christine Stuart. Please click the link to read the complete article.]

    Apr. 12, 2017

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Economy

  • Connecticut Bets on Arts, Entrepreneurship for Equity

    [Excerpt] By Johnny Magdaleno The arts are often seen as a pastime of elites. Indeed, in cities like Hartford, Connecticut, people with college degrees, or those who make more than $100,000 a year, are more likely [according to the 2015 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey] to take advantage of their local museum or concert hall than those who make less or didn’t finish college.

    Mar. 15, 2017

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality

  • How States Engage in Evidence-Based Policymaking: A national assessment

    Evidence-based policymaking is the systematic use of findings from program evaluations and outcome analyses ("evidence") to guide government policy and funding decisions. By focusing limited resources on public services and programs that have been shown to produce positive results, governments can expand their investments in more cost-effective options, consider reducing funding for ineffective programs, and improve the outcomes of services funded by taxpayer dollars.

    Feb. 16, 2017

    Civic Vitality

  • Feb. 6, 2017

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Economy, Education
