Search Results

  • DataHaven Celebrates 20 Years of Service to Greater New Haven; Community Wellbeing Survey Seeks to Measure Local Quality of Life

    DataHaven Celebrates 20 Years of Service to Greater New Haven; Community Wellbeing Survey Seeks to Measure Local Quality of Life(New Haven, CT) August 28, 2012: Beginning in September and continuing through October, more than 1,300 adults living throughout Greater New Haven will be interviewed by phone about wellbeing within their community.

    Sep. 4, 2012

    All DataHaven Programs, Community Wellbeing Survey, Civic Vitality, Demographics, Economy, Health, Housing, Public Safety

  • A Renaissance for All of Us: Building an Inclusive Prosperity for New Haven

    Private investment has triggered a "renaissance" in New Haven. While the influx of money has allowed for downtown development and investments in education, medicine, and research, there are still many neighborhoods that are not benefiting. This is especially true for areas that were previously reliant on the manufacturing industry. The Connecticut Center for a New Economy developed its Grassroots Community Agenda based on conversations with New Haven residents in order to address lingering community problems.

    Dec. 31, 2011


  • Youth Employment in Connecticut

    This article examines trends in youth employment, which show that the "Great Recession" has affected that demographic as well.

    Jul. 31, 2011


  • Economic Importance of Investment in Public Transportation

    This paper establishes a framework for a current economic benefit review, using recently crafted livability and community sustainability trends.

    Mar. 30, 2011


  • Resurgent Cities and Economic Revitalization: Lessons for Older Industrial Cities

    This presentation, given at the University of Hartford's "What Can Hartford Learn from Other Cities" symposium, draws parallels between Springfield, Mass. and other resurgent cities, ultimately asking whether these lessons can be applied to Hartford as well.

    Mar. 8, 2011


  • Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits: How does CT Compare?

    This report was compiled by Blum Shapiro, on behalf of CRI, to report on what states are doing across the country to handle the funding crisis for retirement and post‐retirement benefits in public plans and to present ideas on how the State of Connecticut could benefit from some of the strategies (actions) taken by other states to address funding challenges. This is part 3 of a six-part series, "Framework for Connecituct's Fiscal Future."

    Dec. 31, 2010

    Demographics, Economy
