• New haven hunger report 2017-2018

    State of Hunger in New Haven: Report on Food Insecurity and Recommendations for Action 2017-2018

    Excerpt: New Haven is a diverse city with deep and enduring economic and social disparities. Approximately 25% of residents live in poverty, compared to 10% statewide. An additional 40% struggle to afford basic necessities like housing and food. While intricately tied, poverty is just one of several issues that drives hunger. Unemployment, low-wage jobs, transportation, and family resources also make it difficult for people to access the food they need to thrive.

    February 11, 2019

  • New Haven hunger report highlights food insecurity, offers recommendations

    [Excerpt from article by Esteban L Hernandez.]  NEW HAVEN — A recent report on the state of hunger in the city is providing the groundwork for how various local agencies and institutions can address food insecurity, which is disproportionally affecting minority residents. “The State of Hunger in New Haven,” a report published jointly by the Community Alliance for Research and Engagement and the New Haven Food Policy Council outlines numerous food insecurity concerns for residents across the state’s second-largest city

    December 04, 2017

  • Yale survey finds New Haven low-income areas feel safer, but health worries remain

    [Excerpt] "For added context, the review included findings from DataHaven’s Community Wellbeing Survey. This phone survey was taken with more than 16,000 randomly selected adults throughout the state and 800 in the city of New Haven between April and October 2015.

    May 09, 2016

  • New Haven neighborhood safety

    New Haven Residents Feeling Somewhat Safer

    This article was originally published 1/15/2016 in the New Haven Independent, https://www.newhavenindependent.org/index.php/archives/entry/data_city_residents_n/ by APARNA NATHAN AND MARK ABRAHAM

    January 15, 2016

  • CARE New Haven Schools and Health

    Health Is Academic!: Creating and Mobilizing Community Partnerships to Improve Health, Learning and Our New Haven Neighborhoods

    There is a documented link between health and academic performance; healthier students do better in school. Based on data from 12 randomly selected schools in the New Haven Public school, CARE recommends a collective investment into both health and school reform in order to address the achievement gap and health inequities.

    December 31, 2010

  • CARE: Health & Achievement

    CARE conducted a survey of over 1,000 5th and 6th graders' health and academic achievement. The results showed that students with better health habits were more likely to math, reading, and writing goals.

    November 27, 2010
