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  • a closer look berkshire taconic community foundation data report Connecticut

    A Closer Look: The Berkshire Taconic Region Today - 2017 Report

    2017 Community Assessment report from Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation. From "A Closer Look is a broad overview of the four-county area that Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation has served since its founding in 1987. The data and information presented here were gathered from research and conversations with residents in Berkshire County, Mass., northwest Litchfield County, Conn., and Columbia and northeast Dutchess counties in New York.

    October 23, 2018

  • DataHaven launches Connecticut Innovation Awards

    Excerpt: To celebrate 25 years of public service, DataHaven is launching the inaugural Innovation Awards, which aim to recognize those using data to benefit Connecticut communities.

    October 12, 2018

  • waterbury data report published 2018 banner

    Greater Waterbury Community Wellbeing Profile

    The goal of the report, first published in 2018, is to promote a better understanding of the critical community well-being needs and opportunities in the Greater Waterbury region and to highlight some promising practices that are underway to improve community health. Socioeconomic factors, physical environment, clinical care, and health behaviors are all key pieces of well-being.

    September 27, 2018

  • DataHaven Announces Inaugural Innovation Awards As Part of 25th Anniversary Celebration

    In conjunction with its 25th Anniversary Celebration, DataHaven is pleased to announce that the inaugural DataHaven Innovation Awards, sponsored by Liberty Bank Foundation, are open to nominations statewide. Winners will be selected in two categories: (1) Data in Education (university level and K-12) and (2) Data for Community Impact. Nominations will be accepted through October 1, 2018. The awards will be announced at DataHaven’s 25th Anniversary Celebration on November 19, 2018.

    September 06, 2018

  • opioid rates race Connecticut data

    Connecticut's Opioid Epidemic: A Glimpse of the Past Five Years

    Op-ed by Josephine Ankrah, MPH, DataHaven Research Assistant.  The article features extensive infographics, please see: Excerpt: Various measures have been taken to alleviate the burden of opioid-related deaths in Connecticut in recent years. However, these efforts have yet to make a significant difference in terms of reducing the high death rates within the state.

    September 03, 2018

  • New England foreign born population DataHaven plot Census data NENC

    Is Immigration Good for the U.S. Economy?

    An article and New England-wide public radio story, produced by New England News Collaborative, featuring many charts and maps from DataHaven. View the full story and listen to interviews at Excerpt:

    July 02, 2018
