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  • Connecticut data crosstab analysis

    2018 Connecticut Statewide Data Crosstabs - DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey

    Click on the "Document" link below or click here to download the full PDF.  See the main survey page for more information.

    December 21, 2018

  • DataHaven Celebrates 25 Years, Announces DataHaven Innovation Award Winners

    November 19, 2018 New Haven, CT – DataHaven celebrated 25 years of collecting, sharing, and interpreting public data for effective decision-making at a sold-out Celebration and Statewide Data Release at Yale School of Management, held on Monday, November 19, 2018.  The event was attended by over 170 leaders, partners, and community stakeholders from throughout Connecticut.  Additional information is available in the DataHaven 25th Anniversary report.

    December 06, 2018

  • DataHaven launches project on gender equity

    Excerpt from Yale Daily News article by Aakshi Chaba: DataHaven, a New Haven-based nonprofit that provides policymakers data reports on community issues, recently launched a new project focused on gender equity in Fairfield County.

    December 06, 2018

  • Los programas de divulgación alcanzan los lugares más críticos con presencia de asma, pero se necesita más ayuda

    This news article is in Spanish. Excerpt: La tasa de asma de Connecticut es peor que la tasa nacional, con un 11 por ciento para los niños y el 10.5 por ciento para los adultos, y va en aumento. Los vecindarios de Bridgeport, Hartford y New Haven se encuentran entre los más afectados. El dióxido de carbono producido por los automóviles, el humo del cigarrillo, el moho y las alimañas en las viviendas de baja calidad, están entre los factores desencadenantes.

    December 05, 2018

  • Op-ed: Our goal of a thriving Fairfield County

    Excerpt from op-ed by Fairfield County’s Community Foundation President and CEO Juanita T. James: "As nonprofit organizations gear up for Giving Tuesday on Nov. 27, we are reminded of the powerful work they do to address the most pressing social needs facing too many individuals across the globe and right here in Fairfield County — hunger, homelessness, denial of access to a quality education, unemployment and underemployment — to name just a few.

    November 25, 2018

  • DataHaven connecticut partners

    DataHaven 25th Anniversary Report

    DataHaven's 25th Anniversary report. Please see the report page for more information.

    November 20, 2018
