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  • Connecticut data crosstab analysis

    2022 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey Statewide Data Crosstab

    This crosstab of results from the 2022 DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey contains weighted estimates for the state of Connecticut, disaggregated by detailed demographic group and for the Five Connecticuts town groupings. The survey conducted in-depth interviews with 1,196 randomly-selected adults living in every town and city throughout Connecticut. For town-level and other results please visit the main DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey page on this website.

    March 12, 2023

  • 2023 greater new haven cwi data cover banner

    Greater New Haven Community Wellbeing Index

    The Greater New Haven Community Index is a unified assessment of wellbeing and quality of life in Greater New Haven and its neighborhoods. It illustrates the opportunities and challenges that face the metropolitan area where we live, work, and play. Scroll down to view example images or learn more about the report.

    March 12, 2023

  • 2023 greater hartford cwi cover banner

    Greater Hartford Community Wellbeing Index

    Greater Hartford Community Wellbeing Index 2023

    March 11, 2023

  • 2023 fairfield county cwi datahaven cover banner

    Fairfield County Community Wellbeing Index

    Fairfield County Community Wellbeing Index 2023

    March 11, 2023

  • Living with the Highway: Hartford residents navigate the divide caused by Connecticut's urban highways

    [Excerpt from feature article by Emily DiSalvo and Taylor Johnston, 2/4/2023]  As far as Elijah Hilliman can tell, I-84 "was built to get people out of Hartford." Like Dunkin' Donuts Park, a minor league baseball stadium across the street from his coffee shop, Hilliman says the highway wasn't built for residents of Hartford. "It cuts, specifically, the North End of Hartford off,” Hilliman said. “So, in that aspect, it's very racially motivated. So, the North End is all Black people. We don't have access to pretty much anything."

    February 05, 2023

  • 2021 DataHaven Community Profile Dataset

    This is a CSV (raw data) file with the state, county, and town-level data used in our community profile pages, updated with 2021 5-year ACS data (released by Census Bureau in December 2022). For Connecticut counties and select Connecticut towns, the dataset also contains a small number of estimates from the DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey. Please refer to the survey page for full crosstabs and results. The CSV may be downloaded using the "Document" link below.

    December 12, 2022
