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  • connecticut data smartphones

    Dependence on smartphones may challenge Connecticut job seekers

    Note: This article, by DataHaven intern Emma Zehner, originally appeared in the New Haven Register. You may view it there at

    July 20, 2016

  • Waterbury Connecticut early childhood data slide

    Childcare Enrollment and Accessibility in Waterbury, 2016

    The Waterbury Childcare Accessibility and Enrollment Study was prepared by DataHaven, and commissioned by The Leever Foundation. The 26-page report provides information on the number of young children by zip code and neighborhood, available childcare slots by cost and type (family, center, school based), and the relative adequacy or shortage by neighborhood. More information is posted on the main report page.

    July 18, 2016

  • Cancer, heart disease top killers in Norwalk

    [Excerpt - see full article at Robert Koch Thursday, July 14, 2016

    July 14, 2016

  • Mark Abraham Connecticut Data

    DataHaven uses science to paint picture of community

    [Excerpt - Visit New Haven Register for the full article]To Mark Abraham, executive director of DataHaven, data is not simply information.“Each data point is like one person’s story,” said Abraham, who has led the 25-year-old nonprofit organization since 2009. “So data put together is really putting together everyone’s story in a way that’s scientific.”

    July 05, 2016

  • Not Just Sense Of Community: CT Citizens Engaged And Connected

    [Excerpt]:Despite its sour economy and squabbling legislators, Connecticut has something other states envy: Residents who connect. They eat dinner together, talk politics, trust their local institutions more than the national average and show other strong signs of healthy social behavior. Every state should be so lucky.

    June 21, 2016
