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  • Quality of life up in Elm City

    [Excerpt] Perceptions of safety and community satisfaction in the Elm City are on the rise, but inequality remains intractable, according to a recent study conducted by local nonprofit analytics group DataHaven.

    March 29, 2016

  • Connecticut data by town profile

    Survey: Poverty Effects In Connecticut Are Far-Reaching

    Note: This story appeared on the front page of the Hartford Courant on Sunday, March 27.  The online version contains an interactive data visualization allowing readers to explore survey data by Connecticut town, age, gender, household income, and other factors.

    March 27, 2016

  • New jobs posted at DataHaven

    Do you love helping to make local-level data more useful to communities? Please visit our careers page to view our new job postings.

    March 21, 2016

  • connecticut data on e cigarettes and  smoking

    Cig Smoking Drops, E-Smoking Rises

    BY APARNA NATHANNEW HAVEN, CT - Cigarette smoking is on the decline in New Haven, according to new community-level data.

    March 08, 2016

  • Senator Murphy hears transit complaints

    [Excerpt] NORWALK -- Host to tens of millions of commuters each year, Interstate 95 has "about double" the amount of traffic it was designed for, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said Sunday during a town hall discussion about the snarled enigma that is Connecticut's public transportation system.

    February 28, 2016

  • Where We Live interviews DataHaven on Connecticut data

    DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey Featured on WNPR Where We Live: Transcript

    WNPR's live radio program, Where We Live, recently hosted Mark Abraham, Executive Director of DataHaven, and Anita Chandra, Director of RAND Justice, Infrastructure, and Environment, to discuss findings from the

    February 21, 2016
