CT Open Data Guide: Demographics

DataHaven resources

Some of our most popular resources for demographic data include:

1. DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey

2. Greater New Haven Community Index, Greater Hartford Community Wellbeing Index, Fairfield County Community Wellbeing Index - and other data reports in the Reports page of the DataHaven website.

3. DataHaven Community and Neighborhood Profiles - by area, town and neighborhood. We are currently updating this resource; please contact us if you can't find the profile you need.

4. 2020 Census Data results and changes since the 2010 Census

5. DataHaven Connecticut Town Equity Reports - more detailed reports and maps for all 169 towns in Connecticut, focusing on local differences in equity and well-being.

Some of our favorite outside sources of demographic data
1. U.S. Census Bureau, at data.census.gov, is an online portal to selected U.S. Census Bureau data sets. Please contact DataHaven if you have trouble finding what you need on this expansive site.
2. Measure of America, at measureofamerica.org, is a tool for understanding the distribution of well-being and opportunity throughout America. The American Human Development Project provides easy-to-use yet methodologically sound tools for understanding the distribution of well-being and opportunity in America and stimulating fact-based dialogue about key issues: health, education, and living standards.
3. OnTheMap, at onthemap.ces.census.gov, is based on data from the Census Bureau and state partners in the LED partnership. The LED partnership develops information about local labor market conditions at low cost, with no added respondent burden, and with the same confidentiality protections afforded census and survey data.
4. New American Economy factsheet on the economic impact of immigrants in Connecticut: http://www.newamericaneconomy.org/locations/connecticut/
5. Justice Map: at http://www.justicemap.org/ , is an nice tool for quickly mapping race and income at the block, block group, and Census tract level throughout the nation.

View additional data sources on Connecticut demographics, including maps and links to external sources, on our Data Resources page. Or contact us to suggest other sources we should feature.

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